We’re delighted to give you a virtual tour of our school.
Please email office@warnhamprimary.co.uk if you have any questions.
Welcome to Warnham CE Primary School!
We have great pleasure in welcoming you to Warnham CE Primary School, situated at the heart of the peaceful village of Warnham, just outside of Horsham.
Our village school benefits from close ties with St Margaret’s church and brims with energy and life. Visitors often comment on what a happy place it is! We are part of a close knit community, where Governors, parents and village residents support the school and an active PTFA organises numerous fun-filled events through-out the year.
We love our school and hope you enjoy finding out more about us.
Thank you.
We are proud to be a teacher training partnership school.
For more information use the following link https://www.inspiringfutureteachers.org/tanbridge
“Pupils are happy and safe at school. They are well supervised and cared for… Teachers have secure subject knowledge which enables them to build effectively on pupil’s prior learning… There are high levels of mutual respect”
Ofsted Inspection Report, Feb 2019
Term Dates

Warnham School Wishlist
We aspire to have the very best classroom resources for our children at Warnham. These resources are listed on our Wishlist website and if you would like to donate towards any of them, please head over to the site. Once purchased, the items will be in the classroom within days making a difference to our children’s educational experience. Our Wishlist has already raised over £5,600 this year and the children are benefiting from your generosity every day.