Welcome to Warnham School’s Information Page

We hope you find everything you need. If you have any questions, please call the School office on 01403 265230 or email office@warnhamprimary.co.uk and we will be happy to help you.

“100% of the parents that participated in the ParentView Survey stated that their child is happy at this school.

100% said that their child feels safe at Warnham CE Primary and 100% said that they would recommend this school to other parents.”

ParentView Survey, Oct 2022



Good attendance at school is vital if children are going to:

  • make good progress
  • be able to gain fully from and enjoy their experience at school, and
  • reach their full potential.

Just ten days lost per year is equivalent to at least a term by the time they leave. Eighty per cent attendance results in over four terms lost. Attendance targets of at least 95% are set for schools and pupils, monitored by County and Government.

Any child’s attendance that should fall below 85% will be investigated by the Head Teacher who will write to parents and invite them to work together with the school to improve the attendance record going forward.

Absence & Illness

If your child is absent from school it is very important that you let us know the reason for absence as soon as possible. As a security measure we ask parents to telephone the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence. If no message is received by closure of registration a member of the office staff will telephone to ascertain why the child has not arrived at school. Regular and punctual attendance is an important part of a child’s educational development and our high attendance figures are a result of strong parental support.

If your child is unwell at school or has an accident we shall inform you as soon as possible, therefore it is important that we have a telephone number on which we may contact you during the day.

If your child has an appointment during the school day, a member of the school office team and/or the Class Teacher should be informed by letter or by a phone call in advance of the absence. The child will need to be collected from, and returned to, the school reception area where a note will be made of the time the child left and entered the building. This is necessary to ensure the safety of your child at all times.

If your child returns to school before completing a course of prescribed medication this can be handed in to the school office for administering. Please click on the link below to read the school’s first aid policy.

First Aid Policy


Changes to national government policy stipulate that head teachers are no longer permitted to approve any holidays during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances (for example, a holiday with a close relative who has a terminal illness).  To ensure that all applications are dealt with promptly and impartially Warnham School Governing Body decided that a panel of governors would consider any requests for holidays.

This policy is designed to explain the procedure.  Parents / carers should submit a written application for holidays to the school as soon as possible, stating the child’s name, period of absence requested and clearly setting out the reason why it is exceptional.  A panel of governors will examine each application and their decision will be relayed, in writing, to the parents / carers within 5 school days of receipt of the application.

If a parent / carer wishes to appeal the decision of the governors’ panel, they should submit any additional relevant information within 5 days to the Chair of Governors who will convene an Appeals Panel of governors not involved in the original decision.  The Appeals Panel will review each case individually and their decision will be relayed within 5 school days.

The decision of the Appeals Panel is final.  If holidays are taken without approval, they will be recorded as unauthorised absences and parents / carers could be liable to a fine.

Holiday Request Policy

The admissions policy at this school is in line with West Sussex County Council’s policy for maintained schools. The policy is outlined on the West Sussex County Council website.


The school caters for children aged 4 to 11 years. The majority of children come from our immediate catchment area of Warnham village although we have traditionally taken children from Horsham, Kingsfold, Capel, and other outlying districts whose parents have expressed a preference for them to attend a church school.

In the Autumn of the year before your child starts school, the Children’s Services Department at West Sussex County Council will prompt you to apply for the school of your choice on line. Paper applications are also available for those who do not have access to a computer. Applicants living out of county need to contact the Admissions Team (details below)

Pupil Admissions Team
County Hall North,
Chart Way,
West Sussex,
RH12 1XH

Telephone: 03330 142 903

E-mail: admissions.north@westsussex.gov.uk

All maintained schools are required to provide children with daily collective worship to support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural education.

At Warnham, we focus on a different Christian Value, each term. Autumn term is Thankfulness, Spring term is Love and in the Summer we focus on Courage and this underpins our collective worship. Our collective worship comes in a variety of forms, from learning about local and international news, linking our values to Jesus’ life and the Bible and praise through singing hymns and songs.

Warnham is a Church of England Primary School which means that we value and respect children of all faiths and no faith at all through collective worship and through day-to-day life. Parents, however, do have the right to withdraw their children from collective worship and RE lessons.

As part of our curriculum pupils are taught how to stay safe when using the internet and other technology.

A survey of parents by OnePoll / Internet Matters survey of parents of 5-11 year-olds (Sept 2014) shows that:

“Only half of parents feel equipped to teach e-safety at home.”

It is important that parents keep informed about the types of technologies, sites and apps their children are using and how they can help keep their children safe.

The following site provides lots of information and downloadable materials for parents.


Online Safety Policy

We have a School Charter which encourages us to

  • Be sensible and safe
  • Be kind and considerate
  • Support each other
  • Take responsibility for your own actions
  • We expect all pupils to understand:
  • Everyone has rights and responsibilities
  • Positive behaviour has rewards
  • We are all responsible for our own actions
  • Poor behaviour has consequences
  • Everyone has a right to respect, tolerance and trust

Everyone at Warnham School has the right to feel welcome, secure and happy.

Children may arrive on school premises between 08:30-8:50 and go straight into their classrooms via the playground; children in Hedgehog class go straight into their classroom. The playground and the classroom are both supervised by adults.

08.50 Children are expected to be in classrooms ready for registration

09:00 – 12:00  Morning session

12:00 – 13:00  Lunchtime

13:00 – 15:15  Afternoon session

15:15  Children go home

All children need to be collected from the playground by a parent or a nominated adult.  If you are making a change to your usual arrangement for your child please notify the member of staff at the gate at morning drop off, so they can make a written record of your instruction. If during the school day your plans change for the collection of your child, please phone or email the school office, who will inform the teacher in charge.  All notifications of change of pickup, ideally, need to be with the school office by 2.00pm.

Children in Deer or Badger class may walk home alone but will need written parental permission. They must, however, be collected from clubs from after October half term until February half term, due to the darker nights. Children in Hedgehog, Rabbit, Squirrel, Otter and Fox will need to be collected by a nominated ‘adult’ (16 years or above).

If your child attends an after school club and you, as a parent or carer, are not going to collect your child, we need written confirmation of the arrangements you have made for your child’s safe collection. Again, Deer and Badger children will require written consent to walk home alone.

We encourage children to be as independent as possible. Should a parent wish to see a teacher, we ask that they leave this until the end of the day whenever possible, or make an appointment unless the issue is urgent.

If your child arrives after registration and is late for any reason other than a scheduled appointment or illness, we ask that you put the details into the late book which is sited outside the school office. In any event, children arriving outside of the normal school day should enter and leave the school via the school office.

Car parking space is limited and parents are asked to take care when parking to ensure the safety of everyone arriving and departing. Please be mindful of our immediate neighbours along Lucas Road and Freeman Road and park respectively, not blocking driveways.

Children are not allowed to arrive or depart through the double gates that open onto Freeman Road which is a designated car park for staff.

Each day all children will attend a Collective Worship as follows:

Monday          13:00 Whole School – Christian Values Worship

Wednesday   13:00 Whole School – Vicar’s Worship

Thursday       13:00 Whole School – Singing Worship

Friday             13.00 Whole School – Celebration Worship

All children eat lunch in two shifts in our school hall. Children can opt to bring a packed lunch or have a hot school meal provided by Chartwells.

The Government provide Universal Free School Meals to all children in Key Stage 1.

The school will be entitled to Pupil Premium funding for children registered for benefits related Free School Meals through both key stages so please apply to see if you are eligible. The school will receive money to support your child’s education. This grant is currently £1,480 per eligible primary pupil. Please follow the link below:


All parents need to order their child’s meals by logging onto www.parentpay.com to choose and book your meals. Orders need to be placed by midnight Thursday, ten days ahead of the week required. For example, meals for the week starting Monday 12th would have an order deadline of midnight Thursday 1st.

If you need help with password resets, please contact the school office.

To view Chartwells menu, theme day menus, ParentPay guides and their direct contact details, please use the following link West Sussex | Chartwells

School milk is available for ALL children

If your child is currently under 5, we’re delighted to confirm that we have arranged for them to receive free milk at school, funded by the UK Government’s Nursery Milk Scheme.

When your child turns 5 or if they are already over 5, you have the option to pay for their milk. We have made arrangements with the UK’s leading school milk supplier, Cool Milk, to supply milk at a small subsidised daily cost.

What you need to do:

Visit coolmilk.com as soon as possible and select “Register your child for milk”, then follow the on-screen instructions to register and pay

A portion of fresh, chilled milk at mid-morning break provides protein, calcium and other vital nutrients, important for your child’s growth and development. It’s also a great way to bridge the gap between breakfast and lunch, re-hydrating your child and helping them to concentrate in class.

Should you have any queries regarding your child’s registration or milk supply in general, please do not hesitate to contact Cool Milk directly on customerservices@coolmilk.com or call 0844 854 2913.

Warnham CE Primary School Local Offer for SEND 

At Warnham CEP School we aim to offer excellence and choice to all our children, whatever their ability or needs.  We have high expectations of all our children.  We aim to achieve these through the removal of barriers to learning and ensuring equal access to all opportunities.  We respect that all children:

  • have different educational needs and aspirations
  • require different strategies for learning
  • acquire, assimilate and communicate information at different rates
  • need a range of different teaching approaches and experiences

As part of the Children’s and Families Bill (2014), schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities aged between 0-25 years. This is known as the Local Offer and tells you a bit more about how our school can support your child in order to reach their full potential.

The Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. The Local Offer must include information about the provision the local authority expects to be available for children and young people with special educational needs regardless of whether or not they have Education, Health and Care plans.

Local Offer for SEND

SEND Policy link

School’s SEN Information Report

This is the web page for your school’s official uniform supplier. You can purchase Warnham CE Primary School uniform in confidence knowing that these items have been carefully selected by your school to ensure that you receive good quality, hardwearing uniform and the prices represent excellent value for money from a company you can trust.


Taylor Made Uniforms are now an official collector for Sals Shoes.

Sals Shoes are a charity based in Redhill, that send shoes to children both in the UK and Worldwide.

Shoes can be dropped off at any time during their opening hours or left in the porch if no one is hom

Please click here to see the current stock list and prices

Taylor made Uniforms is a local company based in Horsham. Please contact Taylor Made Uniforms direct if you have an urgent need.

Uniform Policy


Warnham CE Primary is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

Our registration number is Z6178923.

The Data Protection Officer is Heidi Lisney.


01403 265230

Updated Policies:

Data Protection Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

Publication Scheme

Privacy Notices have been updated to comply with the new legislation:

Parent/pupil Privacy Notice

Staff Privacy Notice

Recruitment & Volunteers Privacy Notice

Subject Access Requests (SAR)

If you wish to make a subject access request, please contact the Data Protection Officer on the above email address. We have created a form to help us understand the nature of your request which you can find here. Please note that we may request a form of ID to accompany your request.

For further information about SARs, please visit the ICO website:


Data Map

If you wish to see the school’s data map, please contact the Data Protection Officer on the above email.

Please click here to see the financial benchmarking information for our school.

We are very proud of our school hall which provides our pupils with a much needed space for learning, sports, performances and for the children to enjoy their hot school lunches together. Also included in our new extension is a kitchen which enables cookery lessons.

Please contact the Bursar in the school office on 01403 265230 if you would like to make an enquiry about letting our school hall and associated facilities.

Warnham CE Primary receives a Pupil Premium payment which aims to increase attainment and aspiration for identified pupils. Specifically, the Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is in addition to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011. It was allocated to children from low-income families who were known to be eligible for free school meals, and children who had been looked after continuously for more than six months.

Eligibility for the Pupil Premium for 2012–13 was extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever6 Free School Meals measure). Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and a smaller amount for the children of service personnel.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, they are accountable for how they use the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families and the other target groups.

We believe that the most effective way to achieve the aims of the Pupil Premium is for children to be supported to attain at the highest levels possible and to narrow the gap between those entitled to FSM and those who are not entitled.

The Pupil Premium also aims:

  • to increase social mobility;
  • to enable more pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to get to the top Universities;
  • to reduce the attainment gap between the highest and lowest achieving nationally

Please click here to access our 3 year strategy report.  For further information and details on funding allocations, here is a link that takes you to a Government webpage on Pupil Premium:


Please follow this link for information on how to apply for Free School meals:


Single Equality Policy

Please find a link to our Single Equality Policy here.

Equality objectives

Objective 1: To increase staff’s understanding of equality and its implications on a day-to-day basis, and in this way to reduce or remove inequalities in attainment throughout the school, particularly inequalities relating to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act

Objective 2: To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.

Section 149   Public sector equality duty

1. A public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to—

(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;

(b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

(c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

The relevant protected characteristics are—

gender reassignment;
pregnancy and maternity;
religion or belief;
sexual orientation.

Equality objectives


(1) Each public authority listed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations must prepare and publish one or more objectives it thinks it should achieve to do any of the things mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (c) of section 149(1) of the Act.

(2) The objectives must be published—

(a) not later than 30th March 2018 (subject to regulation 9(2)); and

(b) subsequently at intervals of not greater than four years beginning with the date of last publication.

(3) An objective published by a public authority in compliance with paragraph (1) must be specific and measurable.

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017

Publication of information


(1) Each public authority listed in Schedule 2 to these Regulations must publish information to demonstrate its compliance with the duty imposed by section 149(1) of the Act.

(2) The public authority must publish the information required by paragraph (1)—

(a) not later than 30th March 2018; and

(b) subsequently at intervals of not greater than one year beginning with the date of last publication.

From September 2013 the Government allocated £150 million per annum to provide schools with the funding to enable them to improve the quality and breadth of their PE and sport provision. The funding must be used to fund improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of pupils in Years 1 to 6, so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles.


ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.


To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools against 5 key indicators:

1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

5. increased participation in competitive sport

Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding for example to:

  • Hire specialist PE Teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with Teachers during PE lessons
  • Support and involve the least active children by running after-school sports clubs and holiday clubs
  • Provide resources and training courses in PE and sport for Teachers
  • Run sport competitions or increase pupils’ participation
  • Run sports activities with other schools

The total spend for academic year 2022/23 was £17,063.  Please click here to read the report.

Please click here to see the proposed spend report for academic year 2023/24.

Year 6 Swimming Attainment data

Please see below the data collected for academic year 2023/24:

Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a
distance of at least 25 meters
Use a range of strokes effectively 96%
Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 78%


Here is a link to our most recent Ofsted Inspection Report.

Please also follow this link to Ofsted’s ParentView if you would like to leave a parental review on the Ofsted website.

The following information relates to the attainment of pupils (SATS results) in  year 6 in academic year 2023/2024:

% of pupils achieving a good level of development (GLD) in EYFS at Warnham CE Primary
(2023-24 Data)
% of pupils achieving a good level of development (GLD) within West Sussex
(2022-23 Data)
% of pupils achieving a good level of development (GLD) in EYFS nationally
(2022-23 Unvalidated Data)
Year Group% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Phonics at Warnham CE Primary
(2023-24 Data)
% of pupils achieving the expected standard in Phonics within West Sussex
(2022-23 Data)
Year 18779
KS2 subject
(2023-2024 data)
% of pupils achieving the expected standard at Warnham CE Primary% of pupils working at a greater depth at Warnham CE Primary% of pupils achieving the expected standard nationally
Reading, Writing & Maths combined69761

Please click on the link below to see the school’s performance tables on the Department of Education website:

We are also pleased to present our recent SIAMs report.

Year 2023-24Warnham Mean Average ScoreNational Mean Average Score
Year 4 Maths Multiplication Tables Check Data20.4620.2