Smarties Tube Challenge – finishes today
March 20, 2020
Smarties Tube Challenge – 2nd March – 20th March 2020
Join in this fun challenge and raise funds for the school. Fill up & return your tube of smarties.
Each child will come home with a tube of smarties on Monday 2nd March. Enjoy them as a treat, use to decorate a cake or share with your family.
Keep the empty tube and over the next three weeks please fill up with 20 pence coins only. Once filled or partially filled bring them into school before 20th March. The class that raises the highest amount will receive a class treat worth £50! While the other classes who took part will get a surprise treat too.
The ‘Smarties Tube’ Drop Off Jars for each class are located in the library on a designated table by ‘The Link’ entrance. Please ensure you seal the filled tubes with cello tape. Thank you.
Enjoy & Good Luck!