Outer Space – Hedgehog Class
February 5, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
To the Parents of Hedgehog Class
Dear Parents,
Outer Space – Wednesday 5th February
As part of our work for this term’s topic, we have made arrangements for a small theatre company to visit the school on Wednesday 5th February in the morning to present ‘Outer Space’. The children will train to be astronauts and go on an intergalactic adventure to explore the solar system.
We need to ask for a voluntary contribution of £3.50. If this causes any difficulties, please feel free to come and discuss the matter with me in the strictest confidence.
If there are not enough voluntary contributions the event may no longer be viable and may, unfortunately, be cancelled. All contributions will be returned. As long as the event proves viable, all children will be included. Please refer to the school’s Charging and Remissions Policy which is available on the school website.
Please complete and return the attached consent form and your payment by Friday 24th January. This will enable us to make a decision if the event is viable.
Yours sincerely
Mrs S. Kirby
Mrs S. Kirby
Child’s Name _______________________________________
I have paid a voluntary contribution of £3.50 □ on-line □ cash/cheque
□ I understand that if there are not enough voluntary contributions the event may no longer be viable and may, unfortunately, be cancelled. All contributions will be returned. As long as the event proves viable, all children will be included. Please refer to the school’s Charging and Remissions Policy which is available on the school website.
Signed_______________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian)